Facebook Highlights Viral Law&Crime Series Buried With Love as a ‘Success Story’


Law&Crime, Mediaite’s sister website, has received accolades from Facebook in light of their success with its viral series Buried With Love.

Buried With Love is a true crime docuseries that told the story Ohio high school cheerleader Brooke Skylar Richardson, who was charged with murder after police found her newborn baby buried in her backyard. The series launched a second season on Facebook Watch in May. Buried With Love: The Watts Family Murders, which explore the triple homicide murder investigation of Chris Watts.

Facebook released a feature on the first season, commending the Law&Crime team for netting 8.7 million one-minute video views “thanks in large part to the small publisher leaning into an organic strategy amplified through Watch Parties in Facebook Groups.” Facebook also complimented Law&Crime by saying their page strategy on the platform “helped grow its Facebook Group following 12x and contributed to increased referral traffic.”

“Storytelling is the backbone of why this was successful,” said Law&Crime president and editor-in-chief Rachel Stockman. “You can do the social strategy, but if you don’t have the goods, it doesn’t matter.”

Stockman told Facebook that Buried With Love‘s viewership engagement was insightful in terms of observing how referral traffic can allow publishers to create audiences.

“We have a lot more engaged viewers on our Facebook Page when we post stories, and we’re getting referral traffic viewers on video,” Stockman said.

Social media strategist and director of sales at Abrams Media Nicholas Hernandez also added that using Facebook Groups to connect with viewers “gave us the ability to develop a community for our most active readers and fans and to talk about topics that aren’t as easily covered on a Facebook Page. It gives them a focal point to break news to their own communities, re-engage with one another, and we create that niche community for them.”

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